Happy Howloweenie!

Now, I must admit I am what some people would call a "low energy" dog. I'm slightly miffed by this description.. I think I'm energy efficient. However, this weekend I was BOUNCING OFF THE WALLS! So Mum took me to the park so I could play chase-me-chase-you, but I was suddenly lazy when we got there.

Mum tried to get me to play by waving a leaf in my face..

But I would rather eat it!
Suddenly it started to rain, but luckily Mum didn't plan for it, so I didn't have that stinky raincoat on. So we went home, where Mum brought out that AWFUL REBEL THING that kept flashing bright lights at me. BOY, I DIDN'T LIKE IT!


..Wait until..

..I get my..

..considerably large PAWS ON YOU!

Mm.. so that's what a rebel tastes like! Mum finally put it away and just played tug o' war with me.. I think she got tired faster than me, but only because like I've said before, I'm such a robust and LOVELY specimen of a boo-dog. You are all welcome to sniff my considerable bum.
Oh, but more delicous than a Rebel (I know, how is that possible?) are HOWLOWEENIE COOKIES! Oh my dog.. I've never had a cookie THIS delicious before. And best yet? There wasn't just one cookie.. there were FOUR HOWLOWEENIE COOKIES made JUST for me!

The first 3 were from Mum's co-workers, who surprised her with a going-away dinner because apparently she's leaving her job! HOPEFULLY this means more time with her Studly Dudley.. because I am the most important thing ever in her life.. right, Mumsie?? At her new job, she will be selling all natural raw dog food and other doggy thingies.. so she says she might switch me over to raw food. My delicate skin is just so sensitive though.. OH, I just don't know!
Anyway Mum's co-workers knew how much she loves me so they even included cookies from Three Dog Bakery!! I feel so special =)

Mmm.. I'm eating my name-cookie.. this was the BEST cookie ever. I've never had dog-chocolate before - this was my first time. I seriously felt some stirring in my loins. Mum was jealous, she wanted to eat this cookie!

RARR.. I'll get that pesky cat!! Now, fellow doggies, cats are great.. to chase. And now that I know how good they taste, I'll make sure to chase them extra hard next time!!

I just came home from daycare in this picture.. which might explain why I look so tired. BOY, let me tell you dogs, daycare is FANTASTIC! Sometimes Mum can't take me to a dog park (there are none that are close enough to walk to and that lame-o can't drive), and a lot of the time I am too lazy to go on walks anyway so it's tough for me to get my exercise. So we found Pup Culture!! I love everydog there.. I am the ONLY dog there who never naps, all day long, and sometimes I'm there for 10-12 hours. Just goes to show MY PLAYING STAMINA..
Anyway, they gave me a TASTY cookie from the local Big Dog Little Dog Bakery and look, it even has Mum's nickname for me on it, 'Boo!'

Gosh.. soooooo good.. yum yum. Doggy icing.. they even have little doggy m&m's for eyes! All mine.. delicious.. *drooool*

This is me and Mum when we answered the door tonight. Aren't we a nice pair? I made an improvement to her head though.. I think she looks much more handsome now! But we only got maybe 20 pups at the door?! :(( My favorite pup was this little 3 year old boo-man.. he was a firefighter, and so small! I came up right up to his neck.. and I put my nose in his face and he pet it gently. What a nice boo-man, I wish they were all like that.. not noisy and all gangly and stuff, ugh. I especially don't like boo-mans who DRESS ME UP like a poof..
BURP & Cheerio!