Studly Dudley: The King of Boo-Dogs

The Biggest Boo in All of Boo-Land

Friday, October 27, 2006


Okay, Mum has JUST announced to me that I may not have computer access all weekend. WHAT IS UP WITH THAT, MUM?? I must admit that I am not as agile as other big dogs (I consider myself a large dog - if only because I have the butt of one) and my paws can't always hit the right keys.. so Mum types for me sometimes.. shh, let's just keep that between you and I. Luckily she hasn't started inserting her own "notes" and "edits" so I think I'm safe for now.. or else the couch gets it!

Anyway, as some of you may or may not know, it is Howloweenie next week. I am excited because I'm told this means lots of candy.. today I got to eat some Rockets, mm, mm, they were good! But Gramma saw me nibbling on some ones that had fallen on the floor and BURP, is Gramma scary when she sees me doing stuff I guess I shouldn't be doing!! But it wasn't even my fault, because someone knocked them onto the carpet.. which is my domain. I had to relinquish them anyway.. darn.. keep your paws crossed that someone drops something else!

Not only does Howloweenie mean candy, but Mum tells me that for boo-mans her age it means you get to dress up and "chillax to the max." Mum speaks bad English sometimes, it's hard to understand her. She is 147 (not 84!!) in dog years, in case that explains anything. Are your boo-mans doing anything?
So boo-mans dress up for Howloweenie.. that's great. But leave me out of it! However, Mum thinks it would be fun for me to help her answer to door on Howloweenie wearing a - GRRRR - costume.

Okay who is this Snow White character and why am I dressed like her??

Mum says it looks like I ate a poison apple here..

Again, I'll take one more photo but I ain't looking at the camera.. in fact.. I'm not looking at anything at all!!

Mum is dressing up as a pirate, she thinks she is cute or something. WHATEVER. Clearly I am the more adorable one, despite being dressed up as Snow White. I would be the most adorable even if I was shaved and covered in chicken feathers.

Anyway, as I was saying, although Howloweenie involves CANDY and GREETING KIDS at the door - I am sure Snow White will delight them - it also involves Mums going out all weekend long, leaving beautiful boo-dogs at home. Hence, MSHOW! Moms STAY HOME on WEEKENDS! It is a new club that I am adamant about putting into action, so please show some support. Thus, Mum will not have the computer on for much of the weekend because she will be busy with other, non-boo-dog "things." HMPH!

Mum made a quick video to show that my testosterone levels are in no way effected by wearing a girly costume.

GRRRRR!! She likes to tease me with her finger.. she tried to pick my nose. I know she likes to take my toys so as soon as she touched my nose, I clamped my other paw on my rope! But I'm just playing.. I love tug of war, it is my MOST FAVORITE game EVER (next to "fart on Mum" and "dutch-oven"). I sound like a big meanie, but that is the ONLY time I ever growl. I am such a sweetheart. So sweet, that I DON'T KNOW WHY MUM WOULD LEAVE ME AT HOME. EVER. PERIOD.
I'm still going to go sulk on the couch.

BURP and Cheerio!


At 2:48 a.m., Blogger Baily said...

happy howl-o-ween dudley!

my mommy insisted on dressing me up too.
you make a great snow white!
mirrow mirrow on the wall whos the fairest bulldog of them all....

nose licks

At 2:53 a.m., Blogger Sunshade said...

Heeeey Dudley!!

I'm hiding this post from mum....... I would hate for her to try and top your "snow white" costum with me..... I must admit tho, you are quite attractive even as a Snow White...hehe!

You are sooo strong too, you made the camera shake!! Come make my camera shake next time ok, so mum will stop using it. Be my hero will ya?

Love nibbles,
Miss Sunshade

At 3:28 a.m., Blogger Sunshade said...

Does that mean you will come over and keep me protected?? Maybe I should get on to hole digging, I'll dig one hole big enough for both of us to snuggle in ok? I always feel safe when I'm in my hole and all earthy. How do you feel about that?? Does it sound romantic?

Love nibbles,
Miss Sunshade

At 2:23 p.m., Blogger wally said...

dudley, nice duds. and judging from your video it has definitely not diminished your manhood one bit. just as the fact that i own a bedazzled t-shirt that says "sassy" on it does not make me any less of a masculine hunk.


ps. there ought to be a law about mawmas leaving us home. it just isn't right.

At 3:12 p.m., Blogger Deanna said...

Oh my! That is the funniest costume I have EVER seen! You are the coolest!

At 7:14 p.m., Blogger Toby said...

Yikes...sorry man...about the whole Snow White thing. I guess regular clothes aren't that bad, right? But look on the bright side, you're gonna get lots of treats cuz the boo-mans are gonna think you're adorable!! Just milk it for all its worth. I mean, Halloween is only one day, rite?

At 7:35 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey dudley, arr... soli about the snow white costume. i hope you get lots of candy... from the visiting kids! i know i know you are not going out but i hope whoever turn up at your house will treat you instead of getting treats!

wet wet licks


At 11:29 p.m., Blogger Sunshade said...

Hey the handsome Mr. Studly Dudley, I'm sorry to inform you that your MSHOW thingy doesn't seem to be working at all!!! I left your post on the computer all weekend, and guess what, it failed ALL DAY saturday, and half day today.......... SIGH.....

Love nibbles,
Miss Sunshade

At 2:21 a.m., Blogger Jay said...

Oh no... why did your mum choose that costume for you? You looked so grouchy in that. She should have chosen a more manly one for you. Poor thing.

But then again, you looked so grouchy that maybe you will get more treats? That will be great, right?



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