Snow days in Vancouver! me treats! Heehee. She only got home because boo-friend picked her up in his all-wheel drive, gas-guzzling SUV! Other students had to stay on the mountain all night. Mum sure was lucky!!
Speaking of lucky.. I got to go to daycare all day yesterday, from 7am to 7pm. Oh, the life of a spoiled boo-dog. To really tucker me out, Mum took me over to the boo-friend's house today to play in his backyard. His yard is fenced and really, really big.. whereas my yard is not fenced so Mum is scared that I'll run into the street (which I have done before!). So this is me, sitting in the car patiently, waiting to arrive at my secret destination.

Mum's two special boos! I, of course, am the more special of the two. And much handsomer, might I add.

Now, strangely, when I got to the boo-friend's house.. I didn't want to play in the snow! The boo-friend has two shelties named Shilo and Sassy.. boy oh boy I sure like them! They're small, fluffy and bark a lot. They're very fancy. I sat by the door for a long time, waiting for them to come out.. unfortunately I was told that my robustness is not their cup of tea. Not everyone can be as enthusiastic as me.. eventually I just sat in the snow and waited.. and BURRRpped..

I investigated the yard.. sniff sniff.. and found this neat old bench. Being that I am an excellent jumper, I hauled myself on up to sniff around some more! I like it because there wasn't any snow, and I could keep my delicate boo-dog paws dry for a little bit.

I finally realized that I was here to PLAY! So play I did. Here I am, a-gallopin' around. Before I came, the yard was almost completely pristine and untouched! Shilo and Sassy don't stomp around the way I do. But by the time I left, not an inch of snow was left un-mashed by my lovely bum.
Mum and the boo-friend had to throw a few snowballs at me so I could figure out why I was in this big yard..

But I soon caught on! I'm pretty good at catching snow balls.. I'd say I have an accuracy of about, hmm, 55%. Keep in mind that boo-dogs were bred for excessive handsomeness, not agility.

One of my favorite games is chase-me-chase-you.. except I like to be chased! I'll wait in one part of the yard, until Mum comes near me.. then I run away to the opposite side! Mum (the weakling booman that she is) never manages to catch me.. she can only catch me with that flashing box thing.. I say that isn't good enough.

My other favorite thing to do when I'm outside (and inside) is spin on my butt. Here I am, spinning in a pile of yellow snow and making myself smell even nicer and lovelier than usual!

After a few hours, I didn't want to play anymore. I was tuckered out! I didn't want to eat snowballs.. I didn't want to play chase.. I didn't want to do my little tailspin. Yet, the boomans tormented me still by throwing fistfuls of powder at my wrinkly face. I am not amused. They shall suffer later.. when I fart in the car..

And yes, here I am in the car! Nice and warm.. Mum put a cape on me.. boo-friend called it a dress, but don't listen to him. I personally think I look very dashing!!
Anyway.. I am one tired boo-dog. Playing in the snow is fun, but sometimes all a dog wants is to curl up on his sofa and take a pupnap.
BURP and Cheerio!
Oh Studly Dudley- you care, you really care (blush blush)! I just love those hearts around my name. I think you look most handsome in that cape. All gentlemen used to have capes and you are a gentleman.
I don't know how you stood the snow. We had a foot here and I hate it when my bum gets wet and cold when I do my business. Makes a girl want to leave for Opy's home.
Dudley, we think you are handsome. We will be coming by your bog often and We have added you as our paw pal.
Boy n Baby
Hey Dudley,
It's great to see you having so much fun in the snow! And yes, you are much cuter than boofriend!
Love ya lots,
So Dudley, did you fart in the car?!?!?!
Bussie Kissies
We forgot what we were going to say after we read Buster question! And now we want to know the answer too!
You are very handsome and look very dashing in your cape. But watch out for that yellow snow!
Roxie, Sammy & Andy
i love that picture of you jumping and with the snow on your head!! amazing!
I fart in the car too!!!
Great pictures of a great day! I didn't know you were so wild and crazy.
OH look like julius ceasar in your handsome boodog mommy takes me to the bark park to play with all the little dogs...a couple days agao there was a two pound much fun....but alas my big hunka boo....nobody is as hunky as you....
too many boooooooooo booooooooooo!!!
you should set up a play date with little jaffa, you sure can help him exercise!
wet wet licks
oh that snow looks sooooo good and such fun! We usually have snow by now, but all we have got is boring, boring heavy rain and awful winds.
you look so cool in your dress, ooooops, sorry, cape!
Mucho love and licks Marvin xxxxxx
Some of Mum's classes got cancelled, too! Heh, I love when it snows a lot and she has to stay in and keep me company! <3
I love Dudley!! Please submit him to Q+A he is so cute and the questions are right up his ally.
I talked to kelly at Fetch and she told me the Joey, has people interested in adoption.
All the best
You fart in the car? Me too! I love the look on the sons face when I do that.....
Loui xx
You fart in the car? Me too! I love the look on the sons face when I do that.....
Loui xx
dudley--it's nice of your boo-man to humor the boo-friend. it's clear she keeps him around for various boo-dog errands. i feel bad for him, though, how could he compete with your handsomeness? he doesn't even have wrinkles!
ps. thanks for the heart. i know we have a special love.
Can you bring me some snow?? theres no snow at my place....
I love snow. We don't see much snow in Texas but I'm eating lots of ice off the ground this week.
Oh wow Dud Dud, you looked sooooo handsome in the snow, and I gotta admit, I'm quite suprised at your agility. I think all four feet were off the ground in one of your photos!!!!!
Did you miss me? I have been missing you lots, I think you should come and stay with me, and STINKY can go to your mum.
Your gal,
Miss Sunshade
Hey Studly Dudly,
Looks like you were having an excellent time in the snow.
Oscar x
Dudley, you guys got a lot more snow over there than we did. Even though we're only about a 10 minutes drive away, we only got very little snow. I'm not impressed. I wanted to make yellow snow cones!! Did you make any??
As for your Mommy getting stuck on the mountain...I think my Mommy use to go to the same school as your Mommy!! She's been stuck up there a time or two too.
And that is def. a cap and NOT a dress!!! And yes, you look very very handsome in it!!!
Wow you really had a wild time playing!! Too bad the 2 shelties didn't join in or else I'm sure it'd be more fun! So did you 'take revenge' and fart in the car??
studley....i am going through studley dudley withdrawl....come back to me big boy...ive got room for you on my blankie
Dudley come back!!!!! I'm so happy you like my hair do, and my CHEST... I should have put a picture of my um... sexy butt for you too, it's naked as well!
Your gal,
Miss Sunshade
Hey Dudley, you sure looked like you had fun in the snow. :)
~ fufu
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