My sick day!
Hey guys, thank you for all your kind comments regarding my health.. but, wow, if all sick days are as comfortable as this..!! No wonder boo-mans always take "sick" days off at work.. especially on Mondays.. when, as Meredith from The Office says, "people talk too loudly and the lights are too bright." Mum tucking warm towels around me that are fresh from the clothes dryer.. a hand-made pink pillow under head.. plus my couch blanket was just washed too!
But yesterday I wasn't doing nearly as well.. I was coughing, wheezing and throwing up my phlegmy drool and precious apples. I also peed in my bed, and had (as Dave Chappelle would say) mud butt :( It wasn't fun AT ALL. I just couldn't control anything.. I slept all day, and everyone was so worried about me - and rightly so, since I am King of Boo-Dogs after all. We couldn't get an appointment with my good friend, Dr. Gary Smith, until today though but by today I was looking much better anyway. I coughed and hacked up some stuff for him in his office, just to prove that I was still sick though.. I am so dramatic.
Anyway, although I have my bordatella shots, I still have doggy cough (Dr. Gary says some strains can still get through.. he also says Parvo is going around the lower mainland because of some crazy puppy-mill lady in Langley to BE CAREFUL, local doggies!) so I have to take these GIANT blue pills! I'll get Mum to take photos of them later. I hate taking pills but the best part is that Mum'll slip them into something really tasty (that I shouldn't normally be eating!!) like tonight I got sweet and sour chicken heh heh heh.. now when I burp, it smells like tastiness.
Unfortunately I also have a mild case of entropion, which means my bottom eyelid is a little rolled in and rubs against the surface of my eye. It doesn't bother me TOO much but every so often, on a bad day, I squint a lot. Mum could never figure it out but thought it was just an after-effect of my cherry eye surgeries. I've had THREE.. yes, that's right.. THREE eye surgeries to correct my cherry eyes, which keep coming back! There's also a description of cherry eye on that page.. but here's a jolly visual for you:
Just a few weeks after coming home from the breeder, my inner eyelid gland popped out! Yikes, it wasn't a pretty sight.. so we got it fixed right away or else it could cause dry-eye later on. Unfortunately it kept coming back.. Mum frankly didn't think the vet we were going to had much experience with bulldog problems so we went to see Dr. Gary, who Mum and I both LOVE LOVE LOVE!! He's so gentle with me, Mum is always amazed at how willing I am to do anything Dr. Gary says.
Anyway, my OWN theory (well and a little of Mum's too) is that it kept on coming back because my face kept growing and changing when I was a puppy. I think the muscles in my face kept shifting and moving, so certain muscles pressed on the gland and kept popping it out. It wasn't until I was a year old, and my face had more or less stopped growing, that the surgery finally worked. Dr. Gary says my glands are very big.. yes yes.. just like the rest of me.. you should have seen me before the neuter, WHEW, you ladies would have been all over me. Mum has a picture of my two boys before they went to la la land, but she doesn't think any one else would appreciate it.
Mum's been trying to cheer me up all night because I'm pretty sad about having to have yet another surgery.. I've been very sluggish and *BURRrrrppppp* depressed. She's sort of taken advantage of that.. she's been using me as a pillow. SIGH. Remember, I am KING of Boo-Dogs, not a peon, and should be treated accordingly as such.
She showed me some of the photos she took of me with her Rebel camera, to remind me how handsome I am. I mean, truth be told, nobody has to remind me what a buff ol' stud I am but it's okay, I like looking at photos of myself once in a while. I mean, I like Mum and all but after a while you get tired of looking at the same old scenery.. plus she is always grumpy and scowling these days because she says she has lots of papers due!
Yes, yes.. soo handsome, rugged, distinguished, chiseled - and did I mention modest? I really am on the market for a boo-dog girlfriend though.. I see everyone else playing with their same breeds and they all have cute significant others. SIGH.. Scuba has his bull terrier girl.. two boxers that I know have other boxer girls to play with.. Sunshade has Bogie (BARF!!). Sigh.. well, maybe at the next Vancouver bulldog meet-up I'll have a little luck :)
Oh yeah.. everyone in Boo-Land thinks my legs look like something.. can you guess what it is?
A GIANT CHICKEN THIGH! Mum always jokes how if it came down to it and she had to EAT ME (what???????) it would be my juicy leg that would be FIRST to go. SERIOUSLY, ARE YOUR MUMS THIS MEAN TO EVEN SPECULATE ABOUT EATING YOU?? I don't know what to make with this.. this is why I sleep with one eye open. To make sure no one eats my leg.
BURP and Cheerio!
Poor studly dudley...I sure hope you are feeling better soon..nothing worse than feeling poopy..but..the extra attention sure doesnt hurt. I will make sure while i am dreaming tonight I will dream you better....goodngiht dudley
hey dudley,
no wonder your boo-man loves you so much!
argh! no wonder i thought your legs look extremely familiar! now i know... you better hide it or your boo-man might need it during the coming festive season when the supermarket is running low on meat...
wet wet licks
OH my DEAR Dudley,
I can't believe you didn't tell me you were sick. I would have gone over to keep you company while flipping through photos of you when you still had your cherries (or maybe pomelos?), I really have this thing about un-neutered guys. You know, I know the food made your face swell up and all, but even with a big swollen wrinkly face, you were still VERY very handsome. Sigh...I really wish I could have been there to lick you since my loving saliva would have had the antihistamine effect on you I'm sure!!! I could have brought the chickenDALE over too, that way you can have SuperDALE on one side, and the chickeDALE on the other!!
Are you feeling a little bit better now? I hate to see my friends sick, nevermind my big hearted man!! That is so weird the Innova Evo made you swell up...... it was yummy tho wasn't it hehe?? Mum buys those and bakes them to give me as treats and I love them!!
By the way, have I ever told you how SEXY you hind end is?? OMG..that picture had me droolign like crazy..... I had to stop looking at it for a while for the keyboard to dry up!
ps. next time, remember to let me know you're sick, I'll strut my sexy stuff in front of you, and I'll make sure more grooms me extra short so you can see that much more of me ok?
pps. um.... regarding a Bulldog gf ... for some reason I just don't think that's a good idea... a loooong faces gal is much more suitable for you!!
All my love,
Miss Sunshade
I'd be tucking my legs up under something while asleep if I were you! I am almost tempted to take a bite myself.
Bussie Kissies
dudley! you need to feel better, as soon as you are weak the humans are going to chomp that leg! Mom calls my legs chicken legs too, but she never mentioned EATING them!?! You better hide those things!
My mom calls my legs Frog Legs when I lay like that. But she has never been mean enough to threaten to EAT me. Wow. My mom says that you need to come live with us so you won't be worried about having your legs eaten.
I needed my boo-camel today...... *sniff sniff*
I still love you lots and lots and lots,
Miss Sunshade
i'm so relieved that you're feeling better but i do hope that you milk it for all it's worth. sorry that you had cherries in your eyes and now you have entropy! sheesh--can't catch a boo-dog break.
the picture of your chicken thigh has just confirmed what i have always known--you're a tasty lookin' boodog.
We so glad your feeling better.You still take AWESOME pictures sniff-sniff
Lot's of Lick's
Poor Studley... I hope you are feeling better now. Take care!
Hi Dudley,
My mom works in a school in Texas, and one of my friends does the website for her elementary school. Their mascot is the bulldog. She would like to use a picture of you on her website. What would you think about being famous? (She can't afford to pay you, because she is a poor school teacher - sorry - otherwise you could be rich AND famous). I showed her your blog and she thinks you are adorable. If you think you would like that, please email me at Or just come see me at my blog.
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