Studly Dudley: The King of Boo-Dogs

The Biggest Boo in All of Boo-Land

Friday, January 26, 2007

Oh, the busy life of a boodog!

It has been almost 2 weeks since the last update! :( I haven't been keeping up with my blog.. sigh.. I will go sit in my naughty spot. I know it's extremely crazy, that a handsome and innocent looking boodog such as myself can STILL get sent to the naughty spot by a certain unnameable Mum..
The weather has been nice in Vancouver lately, like today.. it's very warm and sunny!! So Mum and I have been sitting outside in the sun on the balcony reading together (I am an ENGLISH boodog after all and we are quite the literary types). Now, I don't know if you know this considering that boodogs are not the most weather-hardy breeds.. but I LOOOVE to bathe in the sun! I should move to Cali and get some dog goggles like the ones Bogart has. Mum sometimes gets worried that I stay outside on the balcony for so long, sun bathing for hours.. when I come back in I pant up a storm! But I am not a silly pup, I know my tanning limits. I'm trying to achieve a richer brindle coat for the spring.
Anyway I am going back to nap to prepare all my energy for this Sunday. If it's not snowing/blowing/raining, Mum and the boofriend are taking me to Coopers Park for the monthly Vancouver Bulldog Meet-up!! I haven't been to one since I was but a wee pup, so I'm VERY EXCITED! I'll make sure many photos are taken of my sourpuss mug.

..but now, back to sleep I go. And even as I sleep, no one shall be allowed to touch my precious Christmas dong**.

BURP and Cheerio!

**this is a gift I got for Christmas. Mum calls it "the Christmas dong." I am not sure why; she is a silly one!


At 12:52 p.m., Blogger Deanna said...

Nice to see you back!

At 4:41 p.m., Blogger Dandy Duke said...

hahahaha love the Christmas dong Dudley!!! You're too funny! Your blog is always such fun to visit! Please don't stay away so long next time, okay?

Love ya lot,

At 7:48 p.m., Blogger Charlie Kelley-Church said...

Well- my mom was impressed by your Christmas dong! It's warming up here a little bit also. Mom and dad are both semi-healthy so we will probably get to the bark park this weekend also. I don't usually sun bathe cause with the black in my coat it is like a heat magnet. I'm glad you are back blogging too. I check every day to see your blog.


At 9:09 a.m., Blogger Myeo said...

Nice to see that you are back. You sure know how to protect your stuff even when you are sleeping. Smary Guy!

Boy n Baby

At 10:55 a.m., Blogger Joe Stains said...

oooh we have so much sun here you should come visit us. its sunny like a million days in a row!!

At 8:33 p.m., Blogger Buster the Wired Fox Terror said...

Those doggie meetups are fun!

Bussie Kissies

At 3:36 p.m., Blogger Loui (and his mum!) said...

Oooh I love to sit in the sun too and will spend hours out in the garden soaking up the rays!

Loui xx

At 10:04 p.m., Blogger Toby said...

Hi Dudley!~

A Vancouver Bulldog meetup?? You are so lucky!! I don't think there's a Vancouver meetup for us Malts.

Can't wait to see the pics!~


At 6:45 a.m., Blogger Sunshade said...

Dud Dud!!!!! MUAH MUAH!!! That's all I can say for now cause I'm so happy you updated, I gotta go run around in circles.

Your gal,
Miss Sunshade

At 2:55 p.m., Blogger wally said...

hey studly! i love sunbathing, too, especially when it's cold out.

i can't wait to see your meetup pictures--are you taking the dong?


At 5:35 p.m., Blogger Moe said...

Your luscious coat looks like it's glowing with radiance!!

BTW Mommy can't quit her whining.. she keeps saying how much she misses your mum.

At 11:45 a.m., Blogger Chicote said...

I wish I could sunbath but it's still too cold outside for me yet. Maybe mom will pack me up in her suitcase and take me to Maui with her. Wishful thinking. But I can dream. Talk to you when mom gets back she leaves tomorrow and dad doesn't let me on the computer.


At 7:31 p.m., Blogger Charlie Kelley-Church said...

Hey Dudley- will you be my valentine? I got to get in early before Opy and Sunshade snaps up every male for 6 countries around.


At 2:05 a.m., Blogger Sunshade said...

Hey Dudley,

I'm not sure if you saw the e-mail we sent you, but its kinda serious.

Can you let us know or maybe send us an e-mail at

Thanks so much handsome!

Love nibbles,
Miss Sunshade


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